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Atalantia (Retired Spring 2021) was created to help Croí House with their Stroke Rehabilitation program by providing a way for patients to continue their therapy from home after it was no longer absolutely necessary for them to come into the Croí House clinic. The project worked towards building games which simulated exercises that the patient would play to achieve a goal, as part of the game. This would allow patients to increase both cognitive and physical ability over time. One of the team's greatest accomplishments was having a working UI and basic game controls.


One of Croí House's programs is an obesity management program that measures patients' waist circumferences over time. Sláinte was created to make a device that allows the patient to continue their improvement in waist size at home after the end of the program.
The device uses an Arduino code to track the waist circumference of the patient.

Comhoibriú is a project exploration team that is partnering with Croí House. In the past, the goal was to develop a medication dispenser and alarm to improve medication compliance among Croí House patients. However, after researching existing technologies and updating specifications for Croi House, it was determined that there are already products that fulfil Croi House’s needs.  The team has since decided to move on from the pill box project and is currently researching new projects in computer vision, possibly related to stroke detection.


Croí House has a program where they travel to patients' homes to perform echocardiograms. Chompord strives to create a lightweight and easily portable echocardiogram exam bed to be used for travel by technicians across rural Ireland. The team hopes to provide a comfortable experience for both technicians and patients. 



Croí House is a stroke and rehabilitation charity based in Galway, Ireland that works in obesity management, stroke rehabilitation, and with medication compliance and travels across rural Ireland to provide important examinations.

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Learn more about our team and the types of skills we use and learn through our projects!

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