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Mission: The incorporation of computer vision software to improve the quality of living and care for those who are at risk of stroke or who have suffered stroke.


Update Fall 2020

October 2020

Starting off the semester, we reviewed the past initial designs for the pill box and wearable alarm project to determine how to move forward.  After researching existing technologies and updating specifications for Croi House, we determined that there are already products that fulfil Croi House’s needs.  Therefore, we have decided to move on from the pill box project and are researching new projects in computer vision, possibly related to stroke detection.

The last few weeks have been a transition period for our team. We have decided to put our remaining time towards learning a computer vision software called Mediapipe. We have spent the last few weeks installing all of the needed software and configuring it properly on each of our computers. Next, we plan on going through some tutorials to learn about its functionality. 


November 2020

Currently, Comhoibriú is experimenting with the application of computer vision using Mediapipe and other software. We are exploring possibilities for future projects using the technology, possibly related to stroke detection and rehabilitation. 



Update Spring 2021

March 2021

This semester, Team Comhoibriú has been developing an app for stroke rehabilitation using hand and face tracking technology. The team's tech experts have been working with Mediapipe and Facenet to develop live tracking models. Team Comhoibriú recently brainstormed the beginning designs for the stroke rehabilitation app and some features that were included were libraries for rehabilitation exercises, video tutorials for how to perform exercises, and voice prompts that will inform users about next steps to take within the app or necessary readjustments for exercises to be performed correctly. Moving forward, the team will continue to work with their local project partner and receive helpful hints and feedback in regards to how to make the app accessible and user-friendly for stroke patients.

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